How Much Electricity Does a Treadmill Use

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Investing in a decent treadmill is a big expense but is an excellent step to start rigorous cardio workouts and adopt a healthy life. A treadmill needs proper maintenance and repairs to last long. This also increases your daily expenses. But do you have ever considered how much electricity does a treadmill cost?

It’s hard to tell because the electricity that a treadmill costs will depend on the user’s weight, incline, running speed, etc. But the maximum they will cost you is around $10 per month, even cheaper than treadmill lubricants.

But if you still want to calculate how much electricity does a treadmill use, just read on.

How to Calculate How Much Electricity Does a Treadmill Use?

To get a quick calculation, you should consider the maximum power of your machine (take 0.6 Kilowatts as an example) and multiply it by the monthly hours of use. And then multiply this result with your local electricity price.

To calculate the amount of energy that your treadmill uses, it will be necessary to do the conversion of Watts to Kilowatts because the bills appear with this data.

  • Let’s assume that your electricity costs 12 cents per kilowatt. This data will depend on the local price.
  • Now, it will be necessary to look in the user manual of your treadmill, the nominal power to which it corresponds. In case this data is not found, you can do it on the website of the brand/model of the machine. But as a general fact, a treadmill can use around  0.3 – 0.9 kilowatts per hour. But we take 0.6 kilowatts/hour for easy calculation. In case you need precise data, we advise you to connect a power meter to your machine. If your treadmill runs 1 hour then it will cost 0.6 x 15 = 9 cents/hour
  • If you exercise one hour per day for 6 days per week, we will have 24 hours per month. Then your treadmill will cost 9 x 24 = 216 cents = 2.16 dollars

What Factors Determine the Electricity Consumption of a Treadmill

The electricity consumption of the treadmill mostly depends on the type and size of the motor. But there are other variables that we should consider, such as running speed, the users’ weight, incline, worn-out degree of the belt, and so on.


The faster you run, the more energy you will use, meaning that your energy usage will increase if you run at full speed for 45 minutes.

In case the treadmill is at home and is used by different people, the calculation can be a bit more challenging since everyone walks or runs at different speeds.

For example, you can start at 1.5 miles per hour, then go to 6mph, and then go down to 4 mph. The important thing about all of this is that you keep in mind your constant average speed per hour. It should be noted that if you do 5 minutes of heating, it will not affect the results.


When calculating energy, you will also need to think about your weight since the heavier the person training on the treadmill, the more electricity the treadmill will use.

This is because the machine will require more effort to operate since the effort with a 68 kg person will not be the same as a 120 kg person.

Young People Running on Treadmills in Modern Gym

Tips for Saving Electricity When Using a Treadmill

You can make your workout energy efficient for the earth, so here are some tips on how to train with your treadmill and save energy at the same time:

  • Turn off the switch of your machine when you don’t use it.
  • Remember that the faster you run, the more energy you will consume. 
  • Note that the heavier the user, the more electricity he needs. 
  • You must lubricate the belt with silicone to avoid friction against the board since this effort causes the motor to consume more energy.

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